anti monitor feats

He has been involved with the Sinestro Corps and the Black Lantern Corps. This made the dangerous on multiple levels, as they would be able to easily defeat the weaker heroes and take control of the stronger ones, using them to assault their fellows, weakening the heroes even more. Anti-MonitorAppearances • Images • Gallery • Quotes, The Anti-Monitor is a supremely powerful being who controls the Antimatter Universe, acting as an evil counterpart to his brother the Monitor. Anti-Monitor was created by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, first appearing in Crisis on Infinite Earths #2.

However, the person who uses it takes a massive chance- if it backfires, there's a chance that it will destroy not just the target but everything else in existence. Current VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. The Anti-Monitor is next level powerful and he proved that several times over the course of the CoIE. RELATED: 5 Reasons Darkseid Is DC's Number One Supervillain (& 5 Why It's Anti-Monitor). He was able to completely wipe out multiple universes until he hit the core five that made up the most famous DC Universes. Humans haven't always treated them the best but against a universe ending threat like the Anti-Monitor, even the most reticent mutant would step up and help out with the defense of existence and with their amazing powers, they could easily put the Earth over the top. 5 Reasons Anti-Monitor Could Conquer The Marvel Universe (& 5 Why He Couldn't), attack on the main Earths of the DC Multiverse in, some of the most powerful cosmic beings in all of comics, 5 Disastrous Marvel Superhero Stand-Ins (& 5 That Were Almost Better Than The Original), Omega-class mutants are especially powerful, 5 Reasons Darkseid Is DC's Number One Supervillain (& 5 Why It's Anti-Monitor), the brainpower of the smartest scientists in comics, Marvel: 10 Character The Avengers & X-Men Needed To Team-Up Against To Take Down, 10 Spookiest Batman Stories To Read Before Halloween, 5 Reasons The Sandman Is The Best Horror Comic (& 5 Reasons It's Alan Moore's Swamp Thing), 5 Marvel Villains Who Should Be Able To Beat Spider-Man (& Why They Can't), Avengers: 10 Stories Essential For New Fans, The Boy Wonder: Every Major Storyline In Chuck Dixon’s Robin Trilogy, Victor and Nora Shows the Heart of Gotham's Most Tragic Romance, Batman: Three Jokers #3 Delivers a Bloody Conclusion With Intriguing Teases, Black Widow: Widow's Sting #1 Is a Lightweight Standalone Tale, X of Swords: Stasis #1 Is a Long-Winded Interlude, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin Delivers a Fresh Instant Classic, Crossover #1 Transcends Its Premise With a Meditation on Superhero Events, 5 Characters Hulk Lost To But Shouldn't Have (& 5 He Beat But Shouldn't), Avengers: 5 Reasons The Team Can Beat Darkseid (& 5 Why They Can't), Superman: 10 Times Metropolis Realistically Should've Been Destroyed, The Wonder Woman Kiss: 10 Most Iconic Superman Moments In Comics, Batman: The Dark Knight's 5 Best Costumes (And 5 Worst), 5 Marvel Villains Who Should Be Able To Beat The Avengers (& Why They Can't), Batman: All Of Bruce Wayne’s Robins & Why They Joined Him (In Chronological Order), Batman: 10 Early Canon Comics Every New Fan Should Read, DC: 10 Terrifying Comics To Read This Halloween, Superman: 5 Marvel Cosmic Beings He Can Beat (&5 He'd Lose To), Avengers: 5 Reasons Mjolnir Is The Greatest Weapon In The Marvel Universe (& 5 It's Cap's Shield). RELATED: Thanos Vs Anti-Monitor: Who Would Win? One of the most fearsome beings that the heroes and villains of the DC Universe ever faced, the Anti-Monitor is a challenge that needs all hands on deck.

While there's a chance that it will end everything, it's not as big a chance as what would happen if the Anti-Monitor got the upper hand.

Anti Monitor Stomps and erases chuck supernatural universe.

While there's a very good chance that Anti-Monitor would be able to wipe the floor with Earth's heroes and villains, the most powerful beings in the Marvel cosmos might be enough to keep everything from being wiped out. RELATED: 5 Disastrous Marvel Superhero Stand-Ins (& 5 That Were Almost Better Than The Original). Obviously, there's the Infinity Gauntlet, but that can be a bit hard to get.

Omega-class mutants are especially powerful, with some of them able to control fundamental forces of the cosmos (like Magneto and his power over electromagnetism), alter reality (Proteus and Jamie Braddock), or create entire universes (Franklin Richards). All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Objects of immense power are a pretty standard feature of comic book universes, but the Marvel Universe is especially known for them. He is also easy for talk No Jutsu not that anti monitor will need that lol

That's going to cost them. NEXT: Marvel: 10 Character The Avengers & X-Men Needed To Team-Up Against To Take Down. While Superman is still pretty powerful, pre-Crisis Kryptonians were severely overpowered, able to throw planets around without breaking a sweat, fly much faster than the speed of light, and all kinds of other ridiculous things. If the Anti-Monitor came to the Marvel Universe, would he succeed in destroying everything or would the heroes defeat him? Beings like Galactus and the Celestials aren't just going to stand by and let him destroy everything he comes across, They'll fight back and that's a lot of power to deal with.

He writes for several websites, makes killer pizza, goes to Disney World more than his budget allows, and has the cutest daughter in the world. One of the ways he did that was by smacking around Superman and Supergirl. During the Crisis on Infinite Earths he almost succeeded in destroying the positive matter Multiverse, killing untold billions in the process. Pre 52/New 52 feats are allowed. The Anti-Monitor made sure to destroy the Monitor to prevent the heroes from getting any more help. Plus Chuck almost never just goes for attack first in character. The Anti-Monitor is a supremely powerful being who controls the Antimatter Universe, acting as an evil counterpart to his brother the Monitor. The heroes of these universes had to band together to stop him and even then, the Anti-Monitor almost succeeded.

He joined the Sinestro Corps as their Guardian while not fully reborn, and after being defeated his near-dead body was enslaved by Nekron as the power source for the Black Lantern Corps. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

One of the reasons the DC heroes were able to survive Anti-Monitor's initial cross-time assault was because they had someone working on their side- the Monitor. Marvel has a coterie of some of the most powerful cosmic beings in all of comics. Rules: No morals. This is going to be very useful against the Anti-Monitor. While the heroes of the Marvel Universe have access to time travel tech, there's a good chance they'd miss something like this, enabling the Anti-Monitor to win the battle before they even put up a fight. However, there are also things like the Eye of Agamotto, the Cask of Ancient Winters, the Serpent's Crown, the Zodiac Key, and the Cosmic Cubes. The Anti-Monitor's attack on the main Earths of the DC Multiverse in Crisis On Infinite Earths wasn't just him hitting the heroes of the present with all of his might- although that was certainly a part of it- but a more insidious, multi-faceted plan that involved planting giant pieces of machinery in the past, present, and future that would do most of the work for him. (1985). With all of their resources and the brainpower of the smartest scientists in comics, there's a great chance they will be able to come up with something that will give them victory. It can guarantee a victory but whether or not it's a Pyrrhic victory all depends on who is using it. Some of the most powerful beings on the face of the Earth are mutants. This usurpation was knowingly set in motion by his brother, the Monitor, leading to their long-lasting war. The heroes of the DC Universe were able to succeed against the Anti-Monitor by making a plan and having the brute strength to follow through but Marvel's heroes would succeed because they kept going, despite the odds against them, and come up with the perfect plan that will give them the win. Sure, Thanos was able to snap away half the universe, but the Anti-Monitor was able to destroy entire universes before he even got to the part of the DC Multiverse that fans knew and loved.

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