what happened to ralph bernard myers

These included: The McMillian family: Walter McMillian had a family of believers. Ralph Bernard Myers: Myers had a change of heart. Sign up for our Celebrity & Entertainment newsletter.

In fact, he had dozens. He was almost immediately convicted and sentenced to death, a sentence imposed by Judge Key personally, who overruled the jury's recommendation of a life sentence. By signing up, I agree to the Terms & to receive emails from POPSUGAR. That "60 Minutes" feature brought the kind of national attention needed to highlight the racist people involved in McMillian's convection, the racist system McMillian had to go up against, and showed how trash the justice system in Monroeville, Alabama is. Is Ryan Gosling Wandering the Freezer Aisle in Holidate or Do Our Eyes Deceive Us. Ralph Bernard Myers: Myers had a change of heart. He was indeed found guilty, after only a day and a half long trial, in 1987, according to the National Registry of Exonerations. Four appeals were denied between 1990 and 1993. ☝️, Awesome, You’re All Set! Help ensure AlterNet remains independent long into the future. 1 day ago. For a reason beyond me, Myers developed a conscious and realized the pain his lie caused … 1 day ago, by Grayson Gilcrease And don't miss our own podcast, Martinis & Murder! In 1986, a Black man from Alabama, Walter McMillian (played by Jamie Foxx), was arrested and convicted for the brutal murder of a young white woman, despite having a clear alibi. Like a doctor, Stevenson's work saves lives. A frustrated McMillian slams the table and yells that in Alabama, “You’re guilty from the moment you’re born.”. This differs from the depiction of the trial in "Just Mercy," which features only one witness who claimed to have seen McMillian's truck. “Circumstantial Evidence: Death, Life, and Justice in a Southern Town,”. Investigators told Myers they believed he was responsible for killing Morrison as well and that they had witnesses that would testify that he committed the act along with McMillan. ), he nailed it. If Myers had stayed silent, or Stevenson was a quitter or motivated by money, or if "60 Minutes" decided to run a different story, McMillian would have died in prison like so many other innocent people trapped in the system right now. It’s through the generosity of our supporters that we’re able to share with you all the underreported news you need to know. For a reason beyond me, Myers developed a conscious and realized the pain his lie caused the McMillian family. The state's strongest witness, Ralph Bernard Myers, claimed he drove McMillian to the dry cleaners and watched him go into the establishment after stating he had to "take care of some business," according to court paperwork. Justice in America isn't black and white or by the book or even based on case law–– it's about money, attention and opportunity–– if you don't have two out of three, you can easily rot in jail for a crime you did not commit, and no one will care. “Just Mercy,” a film about a Southern black man who was exonerated after spending years on death row, tells a truly powerful story, painting the man's painful journey to freedom thanks to the help of a lawyer dedicated to fighting injustice. There were many witnesses testifying that McMillian was at the fish fry, and no physical evidence, only the word of four state's witnesses, including one, Ralph Bernard Myers… The white witness and career criminal said he heard "popping noises"  before he witnessed McMillian taking money from the business, as well as a woman lying on the ground. According to Pete Earley's book, Circumstantial Evidence: Death, Life, and Justice in a Southern Town, McMillian told officers that he was at a church fish fry at the time of the murder, with plenty of witnesses (including a cop), but Tate reportedly replied, "I don't give a damn what you say or what you do. And we’re proud to say that we’ve been bringing you the real, unfiltered news for 20 years—longer than any other progressive news site on the Internet. 2 hours ago, by Kelsey Garcia We’re here seven days a week, 365 days a year. The movie is based on Bryan Stevenson’s 2014 New York Times best-selling memoir, “Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption.” Stevenson is the real-life attorney (played by Michael B. Jordan in the film) who took on the case of wrongfully convicted rural Alabama black woodcutter Walter McMillian (played by Jamie Foxx). “The trial judge overrode the jury’s sentencing verdict for life and sentenced Mr. McMillian to death.”. As a result, McMillian was found guilty by an all-white jury and sentenced to death by a white judge. There were several other procedural moves, such as the presiding judge, Robert E. Lee Key, Jr., moving the trial from its original county to one nearby that happened to be overwhelmingly white. The film’s trailer shows Stevenson meeting McMillian while he's behind bars. Bryan Stevenson: Obviously Stevenson is the MVP. He never quit. What he's referring to is the systemic issues related to race and poverty which landed him behind bars for a murder he didn’t commit. Go ad-free. He had found and used the tape recording of Myers talking about being pressured as evidence. Ralph Bernard Myers: Myers had a change of heart. Unusually, McMillian was immediately sent to death row: he spent 15 months on death row before he had even had his trial. … then let us make a small request.

And then eventually knowing that Stevenson's work freed a black man who was convicted of killing a white woman in the south, slightly injects some faith into our historically flawed system. The state's strongest witness, Ralph Bernard Myers, claimed he drove McMillian to the dry cleaners and watched him go into the establishment after stating he had to "take care of some business," according to court paperwork. Every reader contribution, whatever the amount, makes a tremendous difference. What happened to ralph myers just mercy What happened to ralph myers just mercy 6 hours ago, by Yerin Kim McMillian had some social notoriety at the time for his romantic affair with a white woman; his son also married a white woman. I'm going to put twelve people on a jury who are going to find your goddamn black ass guilty.". When this evidence came to light, McMillian's conviction was overturned and a new trial allowed, and then all charges were dismissed. The setting for all this race-based injustice? But should it? McMillian’s case was one of Stevenson’s first cases ever, and as the movie will show (spoiler! A 1993 New York Times report mentions that there were two other witnesses in addition to Myers but they only specified that one of those two saw the truck. Get the daily inside scoop right in your inbox. 1 day ago, by Maggie Ryan A 'naked ballots' crisis triggered by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court just put 100,000 votes on the line in the key state, Here's the evidence that suggests the White House knew of Trump's illness before debate — but deliberately hid it, Why the right wing has put marriage equality and LGBTQ rights on the ballot, The most stressful election of our lifetime, Georgia’s Loeffler forced into January run-off with Democratic opponent, State calls are slow to come — here's what we know about what states Biden and Trump have won, Delaware makes history in electing the first openly transgender state senator in the US, Pennsylvania officials debunk claim that more than 100 ballots were thrown out, 'Haul Louis DeJoy in front of a grand jury': Outrage after USPS misses court-ordered Election Day deadline, Mitch McConnell beats Amy McGrath to win seventh Senate term for Kentucky. Support progressive journalism with a one-time contribution to AlterNet, or click here to become a subscriber. Sadly, it's 2020 and "Just Mercy" shows us that remains true. The trailers for Just Mercy show an intense courtroom showdown over a man wrongfully convicted of a horrendous crime, but the true story behind it is even more devastating. But that is Stevenson; s you get to know him in the film or book, you'll notice that he's fully committed to the work and makes almost no reference to his personal life. Join AlterNet 2020 for $1. A long time ago, Stevenson said, "You are better off being rich and guilty than being poor and innocent.". There were a number of impossible factors that all had to work in his favor that ultimately granted his freedom. Police were called when neighbors reported a woman having sex with her pit bull in her backyard in broad daylight.

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