tikanga when meeting someone for the first time

xref h�b```b``������Q� Ȁ �l�, |Ɔ�p %�i Q!b�����Xq��A� ���S��C�.lV*`8���iRq���*V{*����t�Y�73hk�#���畴�yf[���dT�],�ѽ�i�Vٙ�[ X��8+�2a�cv���I�'�yEo����;�-YyuM�K�e�>!�FA��KX*oO��Qr�I�̔�~gW(��ʨ �������ɉj�d��&'� �;��& �ӓ������e�Wr���E&�{�Lz)����k�SG~���y1BjQO_*I��v�&jz��1P�T Ko tōna mana i roto i te ao Māori, pērā i tōna mana hei tino tohunga tikanga tangata rā, e pā ana ki ngā taonga ā-iwi o Poronihia, ka tū tonu, ka tū tonu (TTR 1996:18). 2. )��N mPf����!Ղ����0� (��UU��;���˒&a14�&-�ΫuN�d�a2M0�"����58�*��F��[��\t�X�$h�� �S%��=$֋+mسbIP&��#�ظ:�A�7�6h���E��܍�+B��I�5L�TI�� ���c�b��G�pd

We have to look for the Tika, and the best place to look for that is in our ancient past and within our own Wairua, for our Wairua is as old as the worlds themselves.

<<7849B1531DD7884FA95611294F515DAF>]/Prev 166146/XRefStm 1640>> Streamed television programmes for developing listening comprehension skills. akuaku.

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(modifier) to have a right, have an interest. 0000003107 00000 n 738 0 obj <>stream Avoid touching another person’s head, unless invited. ���AI�F 0000025648 00000 n 0000065832 00000 n

safety practice, safety procedure. Māori people regard the head as very tapu (sacred).

0000047499 00000 n


2. Kāhore ia i tino whakapono e whai tikanga ana te whakaminenga o ngā rangatira (TTR 1990:58). (noun) important, meaningful, pivotal. / This Committee is of opinion that no sufficient cause has been shown for interfering with the provisions of The Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act Amendment Act, 1873. / Peacemaking was the reason for the trip. 0000049698 00000 n Online activities for further practice for each episode of Tōku Reo, the television series for beginners of Māori language. anthropology. (Te Kōhure There are 3 parts to our introductions: 1. the handshake (often, but not always) 2. introducing yourself 3. moving into conversation. E kore pea e riro ki tētahi rōpū kotahi te mana kāwanatanga i raro i te tikanga pōti whirirua (Te Ara 2013). / Contained in it was Pope's argument that until Māori understood the rules of hygiene they would continue to be vulnerable to disease. Ko ngā tikanga pai e tika ana kia puritia kia mau, hei tikanga mau tonu mō ngā whakatupuranga, ahakoa tikanga whenua, taonga rānei, mahi ā-ringa, whai kai rānei, ngā whakahaere o te pakanga, ōna tūwaewae rānei, ehara anō hoki i te tikanga kino ngā tikanga Māori (TPH 30/8/1902:3) / It is right that the beneficial customs should be retained as lasting practices for future generations, whether they be customs relating to land or property, crafts or procuring food, the procedures for conducting war or for visitors, and Māori practices are not bad ones. 0000001835 00000 n biculturalism. Ko te tikanga kua tae kē mai te waka rererangi i te hāpāhi i te rima karaka i te ahiahi. / Tirarau saw the importance of co-operating with the government. 709 30 (noun) 4�yJJ&��]R^��"k��E�gqp���*��D�|� + v�\!�G2�`X[���M����X�2�,�H�[.� �eZ�0P��V����Ng������ ��H@dCJ��d �gw`�������:��v�+=����ڪ~�=�����7��l��բ|�%��ـ��� �˷��F0h! / Because Friday is a public holiday, the rubbish is supposed to be collected on Saturday morning. The kaikaranga of the tangata whenua is the first call and indicates the pōwhiri has begun.

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Customs /Traditions - Tikanga - What Is It? (verb) (-tia) h�bb�d`b``Ń3� ���ţ�1�x4>F�0 AI

First, a woman from the tangata whenua (host group) will call words of welcome (karanga), in the Māori language, to the visiting group. They will continue in their exchange of calls as the visiting group, led by Today, Tikanga is often influenced by other cultures´ views and perspectives, and for Maori people searching for Tikanga today, they will find it clouded with Western Attitudes (It´s a mans´ world) Christian Ideals (Church Services) and Eastern Philosophy (Mind, Body and Soul). te tikanga, tōna tikanga. 7l[�ί�\��'V*��Q������b�+��+�te�Y���� 1.

/ The Māori people are supporting this bill because they can see that with this bill they have a right whereby they will be able to lease their lands. ��cU7�y����C���أ��[#��&*��)�4bM���sO��΅���;.��=��6�P��֊A��iQU��!�h|6�� 8�/"���bN��с�{�ZA��xS78V����.�����u�Uw?��X�5bZ;�k��K����7�=*�R�^u����������uN\��8�s�>�{Vt��t�z]Ք��Y! reason, purpose, motive. 1. 0000001640 00000 n Nō te hokinga tuarua o Hōri Kerei hei kāwana, ka whakahē a Taratoa i tana tikanga whakahaere i te motu (TTR 1990:160). I would not use kia ora in the courtroom, when greeting manuhiri (guests) in a pōwhiri (formal welcome), nor when meeting clients for the first time. He aha te tikanga o taua kupu a Te Wharehuia i roto i tana whaikōrero? ���n��5�k�U�g��p�e���� ���V̄��]Rf��լ��@��`��D�g��׀���{@�O�ا}�j��N�5p�1W�-�5/\l��ZA�AEs�/�j9M�t��@�TC.mA5B�rE��$.���.�P�hE%�W�f^v�����ib�6_����;w���p�M���3�~��d����rz �UPg7��Mm��b�S�n�KR(��9�������ݺ�C�㑚��Y�t(J��+P?��u+_c / From the time that the Pākehā arrived here that custom began to be lost. (noun)

Hence the word is tikanga not tekanga. ��!Q���`���a�x�R?��F�ڳ7�_)�NH���"ͪr��A���]Բ��VÉ�٤4�P�z������%T۳w ��Waՠ��VXҫ:v�3�R������Ϭ7~&cc��\ȼLU� "�}fbHČxm

supposedly, it would seem, strictly speaking, by rights, it's supposed to be like this - an idiom used to make an assertion or to state that something was supposed to take place or have taken place. }���t�i2(��f�W�~���]�z�8R&�|&��ts%���\5�{^[uz��j|�bV�����/������ �����W�jC�5�ۜ����z�:�5;h��k����dux�m|�1��X�Ou�$��o{SXȘcZT�)����鞻��"��\�Q����������&*((��0b��^`�^�ѵn#�>�ښ�߯C�>��l@!Ɇ�Z�"�rL��L/(��#�� "�� ���g4��5A Y��i�-`���.���b?�.��k vԩ�}Ad��x�q!ȩ>vth�� 6e9RRZ)��^�9� E?�)��&~2���V�b�4B�H@[�J\ˊ��^Ey�h/�P���7���Lk�`UO�w礞 ���Ek��8��z�Y[�.�Vq�+�>���M�� 0000046109 00000 n


correct procedure, custom, habit, lore, method, manner, rule, way, code, meaning, plan, practice, convention, protocol - the customary system of values and practices that have developed over time and are deeply embedded in the social context . evacuation drill. 4. (verb) (-tia) 1. They come from tika,things are true and not teka, things that are false. Ko ia te Kīngi Māori tuatahi ki te tūtaki ki te Kīngi e whakahaere tikanga ana mō Peretānia i taua wā (TTR 1996:226). 4. 1. If our Tupuna of over 300 years ago came back today, they would probably not understand half the Tikanga of today. Nō te taenga mai o te Pākehā, ka ngaro haere taua tikanga. legal system. 2): directing, governing, reigning, leading, controlling, managing, administering, overseeing, supervising. 1.

I te mea he hararei tūmatanui te Paraire, ko te tikanga ka tīkina mai ngā rāpihi i te ata o te Rāhoroi (HKK 1999:152). (noun) �f�˗K7���}�����l,�פ0�4�Ft��7�[��u�Y���v$��RcG�Գ�~3{)���f�Rsހ�3S�%k�4�-d� �;h T`���a,F���b�����j�y�忦����௏/�lϼ��:�u��5������_�����/�%W�sǯ����ˁ�V��e�T��Ia�cŬ� ԝ�.��E���X���La�!k��}�G�(5��7#jB^> [Jz�H�N��m��[����w�M��JB_��PMz'���c��3�]. 3. 0000046754 00000 n 0000047735 00000 n And looking into the past the one thing that we should realize is that Each Iwi has different Tikanga, which is tika for them. When we introduce ourselves to someone, we're saying we're interested in establishing some sort of ongoing rapport for mutual benefit. 1.

Noho tonu tēnei āhua, hei tauira ki ngā rangatira whakahaere tikanga i roto i a Ngāti Porou - arā, te māia, me te ū ki te whakapono (TTR 1990:375).

© Copyright 2003-2020 - John C Moorfield, Te Aka Online Māori Dictionary. (noun) importance, value. What is Tikanga?

0 With the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android app you can use the dictionary anywhere without the need to be online. 0000001994 00000 n Te Aka Māori-English, English-Māori Dictionary and Index by John C Moorfield. 0000050302 00000 n They come from tika ,things are true and not teka, things that are false. to be formal, handy, important, meaningful, have importance. � M�B�!� �d6T�+�r�Ҡl|�(#��x�HK�;��^�� �'����Qq���y�lS��Z�!�~-G��iO�-�Qq�&xՊ����E�������4 �o��6��od�����|f��\����t~����G_N/�81�Ϭ&��S�'Sx�fg`P} a`��o0 I$m management practices. Textbook (Ed. (noun)

(noun) - Answered - We explain the Māori concept of tikanga with examples. 1. 3. 1. when, it was because, at the time that, from the time that, until, on account of, owing to - usually followed by a derived noun. ���@������< f;�|)qp�%����F�$���X�K���� %�E� N��"^��, �w�#a�T�L�ufڟ�/�h��! / During George Grey's second term as governor, Taratoa opposed his system of management of the country. Online activities of the Te Whanake textbooks for playback on computers, television or portable devices.

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