terence mckenna dmt entities

Perhaps best known as the active compound in Ayahuasca, is a psychedelic compound known to induce altered states of consciousness including, bliss, oneness, transcendence, out of body experiences, and occasionally, terrifyingly deep self-realization. Here is a synopsis on some of the different entities experienced in the DMT realm: Since McKenna articulates this perfectly, we will leave the description of the machine elves to him (taken from a transcript of ‘Time and Mind’): “So you burst into this space [‘The Dome’]. Unpopular Opinion? - Terence McKenna's idea of DMT Entities. The Society for Scientific Exploration has recently been uploading a number of videos from their previous conferences to their YouTube channel, and one of those presentations is an interesting analysis of DMT entity reports by Jennifer A. Lyke of Stockton University that attempts to answer this question. Going by reports, these creatures seem very curious but don’t always convey direct messages; however, they seem quite adept at evoking some degree of apprehension in DMT users. Male participants were more likely to report the gender of entities than were female participants, and entities whose gender was specified were significantly more likely to be female than male. Subjective as the interpretations will naturally be, there are plenty of accounts of sinister and even terrifying energies. Over 50% of the 1,000 pages of notes had some kind of reference to interactions with entities. Dr. David Luke of University of Greenwich, Discarnate Entities and Dimethyltryptamine (DMT): Psychopharmacology, Phenomenology and Ontology, Disembodied Eyes Revisited: An investigation into the Ontology of Entheogenic Entity Encounters, Crisis & Isolation Plan for Health, Safety, Emotional Stability and Personal Growth (PDF inside), Animosity and Ayahuasca: The Plague of the Plant Medicine Community, 6 Reasons Ayahuasca May Not Be Working for You, An Interview with Psychedelic Explorers and Film Makers, The Dreaming Jaguars, An Interview with Filip Zaruba, Director of 'Bufo Alvarius – The Underground Secret' Movie, When Plant Medicines Lose The Battle With Ego, HPPD, Depersonalisation, Derealisation, Existential Crisis and Psychedelics, Why Ayahuasca and DMT May Hold the Keys to Genuine Compassion, Why Using Psychedelics Requires Vulnerability. It was wearing what seemed like an ornate turban or hat of some sort, and although its full appearance wasn’t clear, there was that familiar sense of innate recognition that frequently overshadows the visual perception in the DMT realm.

Because as Graham St. John concludes, when it comes to objective proof of the entities, “our likelihood of establishing their true identity is as futile as nailing the nature of…. Like a highly sophisticated praying mantis with an upper body of energy and light.”. In Jeremy Narby’s book, The Cosmic Serpent, he describes the serpent as the DNA double helix, and as ayahuasca is purported to repair the DNA of its imbibers, this makes sense. And yet, we have barely scratched the surface of the theories that have been put forward by various scientists and philosophers about the DMT entities discussed in St. John’s book, such as: Scientifically, it is very challenging, if not impossible, to objectively “prove” whether these beings exist in our reality, or in parallel planes or dimensions, or if they only exist independently in the minds of DMT users. Nevertheless, the use of illegal substances is widespread and it is important for people to be informed about the substances they are using. For many of the researchers in this field, including Dr. Rick Strassman it is hard to deny the feeling of truth and consistency across people’s experiences. Like Carlos Castaneda and philosopher George Gurdjieff, he shares the perspective that there are negative entities (perhaps to be considered demons) in hyperspace that intend to ‘hoodwink’ us. That being said, I do disagree on a lot of the stuff he had said though. Although several well-known psychedelic explorers have spoken about encounters with DMT entities, one of the most famous accounts is from the late Terence McKenna, who spoke in detail about the ‘self-transforming machine elves’. DMT and ayahuasca are potentially illegal substances, so we do not encourage or condone the use of either substance where they are against the law. DMT entities are beings who have mastered the art of time travel and can communicate with humans without physically materializing. Depending on your perspective on reality in general, you might be inclined to put DMT entity experiences down to heightened imagination or hallucinations, but great numbers of people seem to consider the entities ‘real’ in the usual sense of the word. Entities were defined as elements of the experience that appeared to the DMT user to possess independent awareness. It is not possible for DMT Times to verify information presented on this site from external sources, nor to answer questions sent to us about the use of the substances mentioned on this site. I've listened to talks with him and respect him greatly. One of the DMT Times team experienced the jester entity as follows: “A genie-like being swooped down into my inner vision on some kind of ‘magic carpet’, for want of a better analogy. *We promise we will never SPAM you with unwanted emails. DMT allows awareness of processes at a cellular or even atomic level, maybe even of quantum mechanical processes at the atomic or subatomic level. We wrote an article addressing the topic of whether the DMT entities are real for those wishing to explore this further. Another DMT Times reader experienced a jester entity in a DMT trip and said: “I look down and there's a female entity with this harlequin-esque getup sort of lying next to me with her face and hand near my thigh. However, there is nothing to say that the spirit of ayahuasca can’t appear in whichever form most makes sense to the imbiber. You can listen to the whole interview here on Lucid Planet Radio. As a psychologist, the most important part of all of this for me is not to objectively, scientifically come to a consensus about who/what the beings are but to understand and accept that these experiences are loaded with incredible, life-altering meaning for the people who have them.

Another way to describe this type of entity is as a ‘harlequin’, or a ‘magician’. Greg is the owner-editor of The Daily Grail, as well as the author of a number of books including Stop Worrying, There Probably is an Afterlife. This kind of encounter often happens in an environment similar to a carnival or circus. Insects are probably so fascinating because they are quite different and therefore perhaps less easy to relate to than mammals and humanoid entities. Interview with Leading DMT Researcher Dr. Jimo Borjigin, Psychedelic Compound DMT Officially Discovered in Human Brain, 8 Reasons the Landmark Ruling in Ecuador Signals Hope in the Ruling to Save Amazon Rainforest, The Brutal Mirror: What Ayahuasca Showed Me About My Life, Reflections on 2019 World Ayahuasca Conference, Study Finds Evidence that DMT is Produced Naturally from Neurons in the Mammalian Brain, DMT Research To Ask If Spirit Molecule Can Extend Life Beyond Clinical Death. However, there is no significant relationship between entity category and the nature of the interaction. Close. Posted by 10 months ago. Others report sensing or seeing this spirit as a powerful animal such as a panther, a jaguar, a bird, a monkey or even a plant. Interestingly, the sense that this jester entity was taking delight in its impact was strong.”. What are the DMT entities? Conversely, there are vast numbers of people conveying blissful, heart-opening entity encounters. These results indicate that the most commonly experienced, well-defined entities are humanoid and that the most frequent category of interaction involves showing, teaching, or guidance. Therefore, from a psychotherapeutic perspective, it is just as valuable to focus on the function of the entities and how they can inspire our future evolution and growth. Earlier, in the 20th century, Aleister Crowley also addressed the question of the ‘reality’ of entities such as gods, angels, spirits and demons. As St. John reminds us in Mystery School in Hyperspace, the debate over the subject of entity contact in the DMT-verse has been hotly contested by scientists, Psychonauts, philosophers and theologians, “with skirmishes flaring in Cyberspace over the past twenty years.”. This entity began tossing playing cards that would loom into the forefront of my inner vision before exploding into something fascinating and hilarious, or something shocking that would make me gasp out loud. We publish as many experiences as we can in order to encourage coherency in research, and we aim to use this information to come to some viable conclusions with the collaboration of our readers. In his 2005 book ‘Supernatural’, he refers to such entities as “the ancient teachers of mankind”.

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