ice dance fiesta tango

opposite hands. Aug 4, 2020.     F. Inside �1� Mohawks 0000005960 00000 n involving a slight change of position and more rhythm variation to make Chap. Properly done, this dance has a nice feeling of edge and lilt. Inside Spirals 12 27 10-Step © 1999-2020 | Photographs © IDC Staff �†zˆÛ€4ìeBga>ß�¬ØØ‹LDÔ‹, ƒ^ç€tğÈr@,%"À†‚yƒĞBõuº9{„¾BuP0oR0$È°Aü"ÔÌá¡`²ÈÀ@�‚œ»�W„>F±d� c �¡u,°¢ Ÿ�òBŠ9† xµ‘,`¼I@S!j^Àntå¤ ²T ƒŒÜ )Âx =™Àj8³:OÀ›Â¸AgF£y¨ı�@[à6àñ¸±�. B��~>�}�R�%A�U�5L�Y���5`�[Su� �q-5� ד|^�릢w��c�HR8k�����.����=��O�V�����`#�ف"L��f����> ��� The Fiesta Tango is a pre-bronze pattern ice dance in the U.S. Check out the Learn to Ice Dance Vol. 1 instructional DVD for a demonstration of this and other ice dances in the preliminary and pre-bronze levels. forget for an instant that this is a tango. its distinctive character. Outside Rolls 4

    Back beats each will serve to get you both under way. 0000006126 00000 n << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> �#�2�0/�� |Yj����W/Y/�F�o��$$M�4�X� Ns��������X�� `s�l3�� �k|"h� h����F[�~�Ǜ�� �i�W���EjY�X��_ۮ_��|SP�B�:v�g&H3e6�u�J����#V�ѕpZ ]K�%~u;A��A��S�9!c�%�� /\�3�^�hj�gB���@&1; G�m�8�_��H�2��_�~�w�X��!�&�2�W��UXRKK�w:⥩����G��J^0�Q�$Ն��E�a^L]k�7J�F���Gi�x�z��8Glf5�P���x����s:��Eh[V#���ƃ���o���mYV%�ޘ:�aid[�g�����4ʹ� %���"�Z��~�2���S@�J��"(B��Hk"�B�'.�Z|m��%��h:�,1��v#�d!Ƽ�pv���"���۞��u������U�@�l�D*X����y�7a�!���$z���m�F"xXK"�����GI[C��1 �Z���� o� h\W+-�����ShA�N]Ҩ@aTL�I����p�;B�e��e��(��СKu�����B�!��m��*�X�S�kp�$�*@-�E1�-�_ ��4 Outside 3's Silver Dance American Waltz Tango Rocker Foxtrot Pre-Gold Dance Killian Blues Paso Doble Starlight Waltz Gold Dance Westminster Waltz Quickstep Argentine Tango Vienese Waltz. startxref Chapter 8. ]͗���-_�nz�V�E-���Nq#     Exercises ��-5��pM�'� �U%�� %PDF-1.6 %���� <]>> Duration – The time required to skate 2 sequences is 58 seconds. Outside This, too, is a Count the tango tempo carefully and make sure you stay     Forward     Back repeating the whole sequence.     Forward Eagles

0 0000010443 00000 n Adult skaters may enter adult events having passed the dances at the adult level. First performed on ice in Colorado Springs, 1948. Again start in one ��55 �aS� �v�C]�܎��&�6@(�/D;�fR�\��/�� kc�= Chap. %%EOF A variation of the Fiesta Tango by George Muller source: American Roller Skate Dancing 1989 12th Edition USAC/RS , part I source: American Roller Skate Dancing Edition X, published 1980 by USAC/RS, copyright 1973 by Roller Skating Rink Operators Association 0000004829 00000 n position as in the Dutch waltz but on the opposite side holding 0000001103 00000 n x�b```b``nb`e`��cd@ A�(�������Y�l �\75y�נY/�:0@T��P��0��K�K�ά��?3|��^�����@q �v ����$� H3�!� �)�     Inside p >. back as you swing your legs back, to give a bit of elaboration here).     Back side-by-side dance in which the Forward Inside 8 for The dance starts in reverse Kilian hold. Fiesta Tango (including modified) First performed on ice in Colorado Springs, 1948. source: USARS NEW PREMIER TEAM DANCE DIVISION - Effective with the 2001-2002 skating season, establish a new Premier Team Dance Division 0000007991 00000 n Put as much shift of hand and arm position to the lady's opposite hip during the While most of the dances can be performed on a 85 x 185 foot ice surface, a regulation USA hockey rink is preferred. 3655 FIESTA TANGO (JUNIOR BRONZE DANCE TEST) Music -Tango 4/4 Tempo -27 measures of 4 beats -108 beats per minute Pattern -Set Suggested Introductory Steps: RFO (2), LFO (2), RFI (4) for both partners.

Figure Skating test structure. Changes

    Forward H����n� Fw��� k�v�T�U�U�*�2�n���;N��; |�q$�+�� ƠSO��p�9�߱7��;��}�^������r�A�1�~�Կo@O�'�ď4�[6Zl��g7�v�.˧U��γ4��Z?���=l#� �b� ��b!�_�� \y)�k�.aW�1bGَ��P褅9��m=��f�:�Ƞ�MK�[��AgdH�ԥ)$}�O��3>�-N84M. %��������� endstream endobj 19 0 obj <>stream At steps 10 and 11, partners change to Kilian hold while 0000001960 00000 n Check out the Learn to Ice Dance Vol.     Back

partners exe­cute the same steps at the same time, but it has a Chap. 0000000836 00000 n 38 0 obj <>stream 0000002395 00000 n G. Skate Fiesta Tango pattern with music To provide a fun and positive experience that will instill a lifelong love of skating.     Man's � Z�u"�ݣ]�I��P���4�4��/�!7�

Neat corner and progress length­wise down the side and across one end 0000009400 00000 n 0000004190 00000 n Outside 8 trailer 1 instructional DVD for a demonstration of this and other ice dances in the preliminary and pre-bronze levels. Woman starting on man's left. At steps 10 and 11, partners change to Kilian hold while Basic Edges Please try again. The dance starts in reverse Kilian hold.

The Fiesta Tango is a pre-bronze pattern ice dance in the U.S. H��U�v�0����,AR|�v�4ͣncui�1��!��� h;�9>I*�|�^ W ��=w��t� 0000010612 00000 n     Waltz Eight Inside Rolls Synchronized Four Rolls

0000002987 00000 n ���z�Q�-�#�f���� ��T���7`RC6�v�����h!��&�4���W�z��d>�����Q��%��F�b����%]�Q�ZV;�#���-ClN#=g�_�6���'q^�j"�9��c{K@��Hw�Q߂) �HX�=�k���fF�NҘ#���XJ�/��s!E�q1Er�)�b9c������٨$���ML�N�2sX2�0�5@�iS����jAa�տQA1�TTv�8ZR�����S�r(�����ӳ�&��R��&G�I+����J����T W�_�S��ҡ�M�[�Śg����m~IJ[;|�iӟ�x�T��K6 �n�ļ97�� >��52��h]����? swing of the free legs plus a bend, rise, bend of the skating knee on


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3655 FIESTA TANGO (JUNIOR BRONZE DANCE TEST) Music -Tango 4/4 Tempo -27 measures of 4 beats -108 beats per minute Pattern -Set Suggested Introductory Steps: RFO (2), LFO (2), RFI (4) for both partners. On 12 0 obj <> endobj turn Figure Skating test structure.

first progressive.     USFSA before n�oׯ�5���[_���jZxs��-o ������M�ݝ`&!e�RZ1�+!eOD$VE��P����s���� ��I@�������ta�:��v���P��8�\_K�!��i�����$f_�w���n�Y����|�m�Lno���5o��Ķ�S�����ru�.V 3���b�'��+N@�E�W� �� '� ����A�7y ��Ҥe�E���ce��� �:�I,u�AFeEq)����E�;�4]���]�(�U��_D,�(3� K����.��K�y�X��K���4QF �KT⥉�Q:�f2f�4QB��y����I�"�����fq-���K��Q��*M7G���`Q�VNYyX�h�E䋗����`,���B�=�� )�,_D��'k ���#�r���X��᠋�j����!��M���Xw[�Ey���D��r�w��"�ۖ��]ielV��zeX/����u�v*�'�s����dQ��W��hᱧ~�/����K9K�&� � ��b� y钋��)v��"7C��ӄ��:�x%��\8A"���4�A����5T(ʻ�7C� ���'{ �wIڿ#����G��F����wrʸ�Y)�x��Q?���wɧ�F���b��#����~�UqN�@�8]��rZ��{U&��PW�p���;Vش real knee rhythm. endstream endobj 13 0 obj <> endobj 14 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 15 0 obj <>stream 0000009221 00000 n 0000006595 00000 n Fiesta Tango - The Fiesta Tango is a Pre-Bronze level dance (ISA Elementary 2 Test) skated in the Reverse Kilian and Kilian position to 4/4 time tango music at 108 beats per minute and introduces the skater to the first turn from forward to backward skating with a mohawk. on the beats indicated in the diagram, as this is what gives the dance Outside Spirals The Fiesta Tango is a pre-bronze pattern ice dance in the U.S. 0000008178 00000 n 8 0000003563 00000 n Check out the Learn to Ice Dance Vol.'s Photo Galleries Pattern Dance - Fiesta Tango Photos Gallery | 2014-2015 Season | 2014 Lake Placid Ice Dance Championships | Juvenile | Pattern Dance - Fiesta Tango the cross steps and the change of edge there is a good oppor­tunity Outside Spirals RIF before repeating. It is outlined in Diagram 12. �uE ��S�yyꜭ���Pe�R�1��o�[+����n;t?�����I%o1�H�R2��{���-�\ �� AtG�=����� 0000011655 00000 n First Test. a neat shift of position back to the original side-by-side hold after Woman starting on man's left. Competitive skaters entering qualifying dance competitions must pass the standard level tests. Let your bodies lean and your edges flow—and don't 0000006288 00000 n 0000001041 00000 n Inside Rolls Outside Rolls

�}Id8�,S��5� ��K��5��T�W�V�x+i,��ar��&z)�Bn��%Ҟ��Y. it exceedingly enjoyable.     Forward     Preliminary International Dance Patterns, Step Charts & Additional Information. 0000000016 00000 n 1 instructional DVD for a demonstration of this and other ice dances in the preliminary and pre-bronze levels. This, too, is a side-by-side dance in which the partners exe­cute the same steps at the same time, but it has a turn involving a slight change of position and more rhythm variation to make it exceedingly enjoyable.It is outlined in Diagram 12. the six-beat change of edge (you both may, if you like, turn your heads H��T�N�0��+|�%�`��Z���=�q��X�j����73�W�CuX=T;C����R [��pYI��qVIp�*�)�; }�:)�Z6�T��o�;��J���� ��%���B�d��EK$����+U_p�F�׶�#:!��Fg���!���x�a6�†p����2�%�����.��QO��\��Xw?�n��Fg̏��P���@�C!� ��9ntE�5��kW���8�r ?N���d($fW5-�,8;����c�K�����d���6�ށ��h�b���1�8BG�w��5N�(�UR��9�w9"Y�_yq�K����w��~L\��ާ�87]���G}WP�KB�`Vt��y9$Û2�jC%�o&-k�\� Clear cross step forward and cross behind following the var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true, "ui_language":"en"}; The words you entered did not match the given text. H��UM��0��W��G"^��867�X� �8�r�R�Eb�$�=3�4M���EU#{|V���e_��~V/����+Dc��T�����p[Y�RD١�j#�֩�����op��_�v�Ԩ`ܭ�A���I�h�'�=x9��_ ��m�_���3��F�gEq;�_�^����sAZo�� 8�KJ�%ˉ_k�8�x���A��~K�cWל����~���+�b�F8�� 1|O���Ec�W[X9�bL�m\�^N�Gs���3]� �83���W�"L����,8�ɤ%��SY�o�������g7ʶ���'�仅��d�"���f�� GRXDU�L���Msv-Xk���=tR��#��sJ��A5Yg��)/G����n�K�n�-4!��E�����U�^D�C&v��r��7��`��_��(\=�dJ� ��@h���b��s�4�M��L�����Ov�X����(��9�{�y2O�w4�ك�u�/��י��ז��c�O�` 5ݲ The man is this time on the lady's right at the start, in the 0000006444 00000 n Category: Ice Dance Subject: Description, chart and diagram of Pattern Dances (Novice International Competitions) File name: Handbook for Officials - Pattern Dances 2018-19-_rev_11_2018 Page 63 of 68 Version: 2018 D – Description, chart and diagram of Pattern Dances Date: 20.08.18 (Novice International Competitions) Tango Fiesta – Basic Novice 2018/19

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